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It is commonly believed that osteopathy was born with the written codification of the Doctor Still's main principles in 1874, but it is known that manual medicine is much more ancient. .

In 1892 Doctor Still founded the first school of osteopathy in Kirksville.

In the 1900 class there was a particularly excellent pupil, Mr. William Garner Sutherland. He studied the movement of the skull, he codified it and connected it to the mobility of the sacrum. The following century, Pritchard, Scott and Girgis proved, through some scientific experiments, the correctness of Sutherland's studies.

Dr. Rollin E. Backer, Dr. Sutherland's pupil, completed and extended the fields of the osteopathic knowledge with the integration of the physical laws of nature which can help humanity.

Dr. Backer extended his knowledge and continued his studies.

Harold Magoun, Dr. Suthrland's pupil, studied the mechanisms of the skull functioning. He moved from the USA to Paris, as afterwards did Thomas Schooley and Viola Frymann.

H. H. Frette studied and analyzed the laws of mechanics applied to physiology.

J.M.Littlejohon studied the axes of the physiological motility of the organs.

Dr. Viola Frymann was Dr. Sutherland's pupil, Dr. Backer's classmate and master of the osteopathic knowledge. She has been spreading osteopathy and dealing with prevention and treatment of diseases, especially children diseases. The first European school of osteopathy was founded in France at the end of the seventies.

Today, osteopathy is developing all over the world and it is recognized in many countries, but not in Italy.

In Italy, the schools of osteopathy are all still private and the recognized ones belong to the R.O.I (Italian Osteopath Registry).

The education of the osteopath is legally recognized as a post-graduation course of medicine, dentistry or physiotherapy with the achievement of a University Master.